
起業プログラムTeam360体験・2日間プレワークショップ Accelerator Program Team360: 2 day Pre-Workshop

2015-12-16(水)10:00 - 2015-12-18(金)17:00 JST

Impact HUB Tokyo

2-11-3, 1F, Meguro, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 153-0063




8,000円 前払い
ワークショップ費用およびワークショップ中の飲み物など含みます。ランチは別途各自で負担となります。Includes all workshop materials & drinks. Does not include lunch


English Follows Japanese. This Pre-Workshop will be held in both English and Japanese


Impact HUB Tokyoでは2016年1月より「Team360」第7期を実施します。この「Team360プログラム」は過去6期(2013年〜2015年3月)において計45名の起業家が参加しています。彼らの多くはその後インパクトある活動に踏み出し、継続しています。第7期となる今期のプログラムは、8ヶ月の休止期間を経てブラッシュアップされ、さらに進化を遂げたものになります。




プレ・ワークショップには選考はありません。誰でも参加が可能です。 ただし、以下の内容に同意できる方々だけに限ります。

  • 事業にコミットし、多くの時間を割こうと考え、計画し、活動し始めている起業家チームであること
  • 「最近考えているんだけど」程度の思いつきや、「ちょっと手伝ってて」などの片手間の起業ではないこと
  • 既に、創業チームまたは共に活動する仲間がいること。
  • 2日のセッション工程に全て参加できること
  • 何らかの形で法人登記している、またはその準備があること



  • 共同創業者チームの絆を再度確認し、普段曖昧にしている点も話すことができる
  • 事業が間違った方向や望んでいない方向に向かおうとしている時、早い段階で軌道修正できる
  • 自分たちに必要なもの、足りないもの、持っているものを再度確認できる
  • 自分たちが本当に提供したいもの、そして、提供したい相手を確認できる




  • 2015年12月16日(水)10:00 - 17:00 終日ワークショップ及びコワーキング
  • 2015年12月18日(金)10:00 - 17:00 終日ワークショップ及びコワーキング


詳しく知りたい方は までお問い合わせください。


応募〆切 2015年12月13日(日)24:00


1チーム 税抜価格 8,000円(税込価格 8,640円)


Impact HUB Tokyoとは

Impact HUB Tokyoは、現在世界74拠点に展開する世界最大規模のグローバルなコワーキングスペースの国内初の施設として、2013年2月11日に東京・目黒にオープン。"志あるチェンジメーカーが世界とつながる秘密基地”をコンセプトに、起業家が集まる”コワーキングスペース”という枠組みを超え、世界に変革をもたらし、互いに学びや知識、経験、ネットワークのシェアを実現する有機的なコミュニティを創ることを目指す。様々な業種のプロフェッショナル達が集い、スキルを共有することで、教育、医療、貧困問題解決など新たな時代に必要な社会的事業を軸に事業構築をはかる。2013年夏からは起業家育成プログラムなども展開。社会にチェンジを起こす人を育て、ともに成長していくImpact HUBでは2015年11月現在、160名以上のメンバーが集まっている。 詳しくはこちら:

To all mission-driven entrepreneurs!

On January 2016 Impact HUB Tokyo will launch the seventh batch of its accelerator program Team360. The previous six programs have run from 2013 to March 2015, from which 45 entrepreneurs have 'graduated'. Many of these graduates have been able to make great impact through their business endeavors after the program, and continue having that impact today still. In addition, since the last program batch of spring 2015, the program has been brushed up and developed even further in order to increase the potential impact of entrepreneurs who join the program.

When striving for a mission, a sustainable business model is necessary in order to enable an entrepreneur to make meaningful impact. The Team360 accelerator program is specifically designed for those mission-driven entrepreneurs who want to validate their business model in order to create impact. It's a program that targets those entrepreneurs who want to consolidate their business idea and team structure, and are looking to scale and reach more customers.

This pre-workshop is a 2-day session before the actual Team360 program starts in January. The goal of this pre-workshop is to: make you question some key assumptions about your business, give you a glimpse of what the program is going to look like, and to help you decide if this accelerator program is right for you. The 2-day workshop is a highly condensed version of the full Team360 program and will touch upon its main essence.

Let’s talk business: earnestly, with your team/co-founder

The pre-workshop deals with the very first stage of successfully setting up a business. We ask you to join this workshop together with your co-founder with whom you have developed/are developing your business plan. When setting up a new business, many people might expect to be talking about issues like: product concept, who to connect with, how to approach customers, and how to gain/retain customers.  

However, before doing that, have you had a proper sit-down with your co-founder/team about why you are doing what you’re doing and the direction you want to take the business? This 2 day workshop will be the perfect opportunity to (re)visit those questions in order to, not just re-evaluate your business, but to build a strong and healthy team.

The Pre-Workshop: Open to everyone

There is no selection procedure for the pre-workshop; everyone can participate. However, the following conditions are expected to be met by applicants:

  • Serious commitment to your business. Meaning, spending a large portion of your time on the planning and launching phase. Being an entrepreneur is your main priority, instead of a mere side/part-time job
  • You already have a co-founder/team, or people who believe in your idea
  • You are able to participate both days of the pre-workshop
  • You have already registered your company or are planning to do so in the next half year

What you can expect from this pre-workshop

  • Reaffirm the relationship with your team/co-founder and address the points that still seem unclear
  • Apply course correction to those points that seem to deviate from your mission
  • Get a clear insight in the things your business currently needs, lacks and has
  • Gain a clear understanding of what you really want to offer and to whom

Pre-Workshop Details


  • Wednesday December 16th 2015 from 10:00 - 17:00 Full day workshop and coworking
  • Friday December 18th 2015 from 10:00 - 17:00 Full day workshop and coworking

The precise contents of the workshop will be announced later, but topics that will be covered include: company mission, business model validation and customer discovery. The program will consist of a few hours of workshops as well as time for dialogues and discussions with the (co-)founders of other teams that are participating in the workshop.

For more information about the Team360 program, please send an email to:


Application Deadline: Sunday 13th of December 2015 (24:00)
Please apply via this Doorkeeper Page

Participation Fee

8,000 yen (excluding tax) per team (8,640 yen tax included)

About Impact HUB Tokyo

Impact HUB Tokyo opened its doors on the 11th of February 2013 in Meguro, Tokyo and it part of a large scale global network with currently around 70 locations all over the world. Based on the initial concept of a base camp that connects change makers to the world, Impact HUB Tokyo went beyond the notion of a mere co-working space for entrepreneurs, but instead aimed to create a strong community in which people are able to pursue social change, learn from each other, and share their experiences and networks. We have professionals from various different backgrounds working at our space and together they collaborate and exchange ideas on contemporary issues in society. Offering accelerator programs to entrepreneurs is one of the activities through which Impact HUB Tokyo seeks to support entrepreneurs.




This is the community and alumni for entrepreneurs' program in HUB Tokyo, "Team360"
